Online Membership
Create New User To register as a new member, please first create a name and password combination. You will be able to use this name/password combination to renew your membership next year and to access the Members Only Section of the web page. Your name/password combination will be confirmed by the EPICC office.
Username muse be between 6 and 20 characters long and use only letter or number characters
Must be between 6 and 20 characters, must contains at least one digit from 0-9 and one lowercase character and one uppercase character
Confirm Password:

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Types of Membership Sponsor – A Sponsor member is any person, corporation or government agency who wishes to have four (4) representatives and may add additional representatives for an additional fee. A Sponsor member has one (1) vote and is eligible to receive one (1) EPICCgram per representative.

Supplier/Services – A Supplier/Services member has two (2) representatives and may add one additional representative for an additional fee. A Supplier/Services member has one (1) vote and is eligible to receive one (1) EPICCgram per representative.

General – A General member has one (1) representative, one (1) vote and is eligible to receive one (1) EPICCgram.

Life Member – Any person, company or government agency that pays a one time membership fee determined by the Board of Directors. A Life Member will has eight (8) representatives, one (1) vote and eligible to receive one (1) EPICCgram per representative.